(Trifluoromethane, R23, Freon 23, HFC-23, FE-13, Halon-23)

Refrigerant 23 (Trifluoromethane, R23, Freon 23, HFC-23, FE-13, Halon-23) is colorless, non-combustible gas without odor, liquefied under pressure. It is cooling agent high pressure for obtaining temperature up to minus 100°C; it is the material for organic synthesis, a reagent for etching in microelectronics. It can also be used as a replacement for cooling agents (freons, refrigerants) R-13 (and in some cases - for R-503) in low-temperature refrigerating plants.

Refrigerant 23 (Trifluoromethane, R23, Freon 23, HFC-23, FE-13, Halon-23) is chemically compatible with most materials, which are presently used in traditional refrigerating plants. However, it should not mixed with other freons (cooling agents). Self-ignition temperature is above 750°C. Ignition area in air does not exist.

It effectively fights fire as a “gas fire suppression substance” (GFSS) in space firefighting (without using a gas-displacer) within 10 seconds. It disperses under pressure of its own vapors horizontally to 100-120 meters and vertically up to 32-35 meters. It is usable for a wide range of temperatures (even for low temperatures to minus 40°C).

Refrigerant 23 (Freon 23, HFC-23, FE-13, R23) is packed in steel cylinders working under pressure, filling (charging, pumping) factor not more than 0,76kg on 1 dm3 of cylinder capacity, or in gas fire-extinguishing units.
The product is stored in warehouse, under a canopy or in open air avoiding direct sunlight.
All types of carriage in compliance with hazardous goods rules transport R23.

Chemical formula - CHF3.
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP): 0
Global Warming Potential (GWP): 12100.
Hazard – 4

Physicochemical characteristicsUnit of measurementR23
Molecular weightg/mol70,014
Melting point°C- 155,15
Boiling point°C- 82,2
Critical temperature°C25,85
Critical pressureMPa4,82
Critical densitykg/m3585
Vapor pressure at 20 ºСMPa4,193
Density at 0 ºСkg/m31029
Melting heatkJ/mol4,06
Evaporation heat at boiling pointkJ/mol16,75
MAC of work zonemg/m33000