
From 1 January 2015, according to the Montreal Protocol, production and consumption of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), substances that deplete the ozone layer are reduced to 90%. The volume of "consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)" is the volume of production and imports of the corresponding ODS minus exports and exceptions for particularly important uses. Of the 40 HCFCs subject to regulation under the Montreal Protocol in the Russian Federation are use four: HCFC-21 (Hladon 21, R21), HCFC-22 (Chladon 22, R22), HCFC-141b (chladone 141b, R141b) and HCFC-142b (Hladon 142b, R142b).

Forecast of the structure of production and consumption of HCFCs in the Russian Federation in 2017-2019 (mt/t ODP):

Manufacturing150,0 / 6,006988,4 / 384,360,0 / 0,00250,0 /16,25
Import0,0 / 0,000,0 / 0,000,0 / 0,000,0 / 0,00
Export0,0 / 0,00125,8 / 6,920,0 / 0,000,0 / 0,00
Usage150,0 / 6,006862,5 / 377,440,0 / 0,00250,0 / 16,25

Measures to reduce the illegal import of HCFCs into the territory of the Russian Federation include equipping authorized checkpoints with rapid analyzers of ozone-depleting substances (ODS); import of halons of all types through authorized checkpoints; prohibition of disposable tare for transportation and storage and others.

Quantity of specific ODS in the permissible consumption of ozone-depleting substances in the Russian Federation for 2017:

Permissible production capacity of HCFC-22 is 5,015 metric tons;

Permissible import volume of HCFC-141b is 1,126 metric tons;

For the remaining ODS, the permissible production volumes are regulated solely for the purpose of obtaining raw materials for the production of other chemicals, and the importation is officially prohibited (volumes equal to 0).

The volumes of ODS are distributed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia between participants in foreign trade activities who submitted to Russian Natural Supervision, within the time limits established by legislation, requests for the importation of such substances, in proportion to the volumes of ODS imported by these claimants over the past periods.