SERVICE for R-717

We assist in filling of the cylinders intended for ammonia in accordance to GOST 6221-90 with ammonia liquid technical grade "A" (R-717, NH3) productions from largest Russian manufacturers.

About procedure of selling ammonia in cylinders

Liquid technical ammonia by GOST 6221-90 is supplied by way of filling customers' cylinders. Only those cylinders complying with GOST standards are accepted for filling: they should have valid certifications, factory marks, working valves and necessary complementing units: a stopper plug, 2 rubber rings and a cap. According to the active Russian legislation, ammonia cylinders must be completely furnished for usage for transportation of this gas.

Acceptance the cylinders for filling and also shipment/sale of charged cylinders are performing in the set date in accordance with selling order of this gas, approved by the Order for the RSS Co. LTD No.3/O dated 25.04.08. The measurement unit for selling ammonia in cylinders is set by factory-manufacturer, and is numbered in "units" (by OKEY code 796). This measurement unit implies filling 20 (twenty) kilograms of ammonia into consumer's cylinder. The information about data of each cylinder accepted for filling is receiving from customer not later than 5-10 days until calculation of total shipment cost, since shipment is connected with the quantity of available tare for filling, but customer's cylinders may require repairs, technical inspection or spare parts.

Ammonia cylinders are to be certified every two years (for new cylinders this period valid for five years). Inspection/repair/cleaning of cylinders by manufacturers can take from one to two months. Our company will compensate the time spent on necessary repair works of customer's cylinders by giving its own certified ammonia cylinders for customer's usage. Usage of returnable/exchangeable cylinders will obligate customer to sign a Contract and perform timely repair of his own cylinders according to the "Reception sheet". Cylinders, whose numbers and certification dates are indicated in the first Reception sheet, belonging to the customer can be returned to him when the Contract is terminated.

When ammonia is shipped without information on returnable cylinders, customer agrees to exchange empty (usable - non-usable) cylinders with those filled cylinders, inspected and equipped from the available park of the tare, with paying all the expenses necessary to repair their own cylinders, if they needs. Shipment of ammonia will be performed only after received guarantee letter or payment for repair/or technical inspection of received ammonia cylinders. If customer refuses to pay for all the necessary returnable cylinders repair works, our company will have a right not to fill the customers' cylinders.

Obligatory complete set of the cylinders working under pressure

Obligatory complete set of cylinders working under pressure with capacity of 40l, 50l, 70l, 100l 500l, 750l and 1000l regarding storage and transportation, should comply with the requirements of the active Russian legislation and must include:

  • for one cylinder with capacity of 40l, 50l, 70l or 100l: one stopper plug on the valve, two protective rubber rings (not less than 25 mm thick), and one protective metal or plastic cap (depend on kind of gas);
  • for one cylinder with capacity of 500l, 750l, or 1000l: two stopper plugs on valves, two protective rubber rings (not less than 50 mm thick), and one protective metal or plastic cap (depending on the cylinders design or country manufacturer).

Cylinders, received from customer for filling (returnable/exchangeable Cylinders), are accepted through filling in Reception sheet and Delivery sheet. Reception/Delivery sheets reflect Cylinders numbering, inspection date and available complete set. Due to control of returnable Cylinders and regular de-complete set according need-able requirements, and if the Cylinders do not have a complete set required by safe storage and transportation regulations, doing the mark in the Reception sheet. The customer has to pay for all the necessary complete set and other repair works according this list.
